InerVis Toolbox for Matlab
:: Toolbox features
- Estimates unkown rotation quaternion between Inertial Measurement Unit and Camera.
- Requires a set of static observations of a vertical chessboard target and sensed gravity.
- Unit sphere image projection 3D graphic showing vanishing point, gravity and reprojected vertical.
- Rotation reprojection error plot.
- If you have rendering errors please run the maltab command 'opengl software' before launching imucam.m
:: Toolbox function list
- imucam: menu driven user interface.
- get_cam_xsens_mti.m: capture images (Firewire or USB) and IMU data from Xsens MTi, can be edited to use with other inertial sensors.
:: Downloads
- imu_cam_Toolbox InerVis Toolbox for IMU CAMera calibration.
- example1 data set with 11 images with camera calibration done and corresponding imu data files.
- xsens log loader xsenslog2imu.m: converts xsens log files to imu data text files.
:: Related links
Robotics Toolbox
Image capture for matlab
:: Snap shots
:: References
- Jorge Lobo and Jorge Dias, "Relative Pose Calibration Between Visual and Inertial Sensors", Proceedings of the ICRA 2005 Workshop on Integration of Vision and Inertial Sensors - 2nd InerVis, Barcelona, Spain, April 18, 2005
- Jorge Lobo and Jorge Dias, "Relative Pose Calibration Between Visual and Inertial Sensors", International Journal of Robotics Research, June 2007, Volume 26, No. 6.