
Introducing the Fractional Order Robotic Darwinian PSO

M. S. Couceiro, F. M. Martins, R. P. Rocha and N. M. Ferreira

In Proc. of 9th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences (ICNPAA 2012), Vienna, Austria, pp. 242-250, Jul. 10-14, 2012.


The Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) is an evolutionary algorithm that extends the Particle Swarm Optimization using natural selection to enhance the ability to escape from sub-optimal solutions. An extension of the DPSO to multi-robot applications has been recently proposed and denoted as Robotic Darwinian PSO (RDPSO), benefiting from the dynamical partitioning of the whole population of robots, hence decreasing the amount of required information exchange among robots. This paper further extends the previously proposed algorithm using fractional cal-culus concepts to control the convergence rate, while considering the robot dynamical characteristics. Moreover, to im-prove the convergence analysis of the RDPSO, an adjustment of the fractional coefficient based on mobile robot con-straints is presented and experimentally assessed with 2 real platforms. Afterwards, this novel fractional-order RDPSO is evaluated in 12 physical robots being further explored using a larger population of 100 simulated mobile robots within a larger scenario. Experimental results show that changing the fractional coefficient does not significantly improve the fi-nal solution but presents a significant influence in the convergence time because of its inherent memory property.

Index Terms — Fractional calculus, evolutionary algorithm, swarm robotics, foraging, convergence analysis.

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     AUTHOR = "Couceiro, M. S. and Martins, F. M. and Rocha, R. P. and Ferreira, N. M.",

     TITLE = "Introducing the Fractional Order Robotic Darwinian PSO",

     BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of 9th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences (ICNPAA 2012)",

     ADDRESS = "Vienna, Austria",

     YEAR = "2012",

     MONTH = "Jul.",

     PAGES = "242-250"


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Last update: 22/06/2012