Alumni Album |
July 10,
2019, at MRL-ISR: from left to right, on the top, André Araújo, Roman
Prykhodchenko, Filipe Pinto, and Francisco Lisboa (researcher of EuroAGE
project), and, on the bottom, João Marques, the social robot Matilde, and Rui
P. Rocha. |
July 9,
2018, at MRL-ISR: from left to right, João Marques, Gonçalo Martins, João
Sanches (back), Rui P. Rocha (front), Vishnu Muthu, and Fernando Pais. |
27, 2017, at MRL-ISR: from left to right, Rui P. Rocha, João Pedro Paulo,
Francisco Couceiro, and Farzan M. Noori. |
11, 2016, at MRL-ISR: from left to right, Rui Pires, Micael S. Couceiro, João
Rosa, Daniela Nobre, Diogo Amorim, Rui P. Rocha, and Daniel Marcelino. |
30, 2015, at MRL-ISR: from left to right, Rohit Chandra, Rui P. Rocha,
Daniela Nobre, José Carlos Direito, Micael S. Couceiro, and André Gomes. |
June 24,
2014, at MRL-ISR: from left to right, Rohit Chandra, Nuno Dias, Gonçalo
Martins, Francisco Sales, Rui P. Rocha, and Micael S. Couceiro. |
July 10, 2013, at MRL-ISR: from left to right, Nuno Dias,
João Santos, David Portugal, André Araújo, Micael S. Couceiro, Rui P. Rocha,
Gonçalo Augusto, José Santos Pereira, João Martins, and Nuno Ferreira. On the table, three Pioneer 3-DX
and some of our TraxBot and StingBot mobile robots. |
May 15,
2012, at MRL-ISR: from left to right, André Araújo, David Portugal, Micael S.
Couceiro, Rui P. Rocha, Amadeu Fernandes, and Walter Miani. On the bottom, three TraxBot and
two StingBot mobile robots. |
10, 2006, at Covilhã, in a public demonstration of autonomous electrical
vehicles: Pedro Martins (left) and Pedro Serra (right). |
2005, RAC project team at MRL-ISR: on the top, from left to right, Filipe
Apóstolo, João Henriques, João Monteiro, and Hugo Faria; on the bottom, from
left to right, Tiago Caldeira, José Rui Martins, João Rodrigues, and Rui P.
Rocha. |
update: 10/07/2019
Copyright ©
2019 Rui P. Rocha, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,