Name: Cristiano Premebida
Office: Gab. 3.1
Phone: (+351) 239 796 319
Email: cpremebida _AT_
List of publications: here or on GScholar
short CV
Research interests:
Machine learning and applied AI
Robotic perception and sensing
Agriculture robotics and remote sensing
Autonomous vehicles
Probabilistic robotics and Sensor-fusion
Research group: ISR-UC
EU Horizon MSCA-DN project: AIGreenBots
Robotics, Machine Learning, Agriculture
- Robotics and Machine Learning (Summer, RML)
- Probabilistic machine learning (2022-present)
- Industrial automation (2023-present)
- Applied deep learning (2023)
- Electronics-I (2021)
- Computer programming (2020-2022)
- Microprocessor systems (2019-2020)
- Computer architecture (2019-2020)