

Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Gomes, "Identificação e apoio à selecção de estratégias de controlo directo de cargas - Uma abordagem multiobjectivo evolucionária", Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotécnica, especialidade de Sistemas de Energia, Fac. Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. Coimbra, 2004

Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Gomes, “Simulação de Cargas Eléctricas no Contexto do Condicionamento da Procura de Energia Eléctrica”, Tese de Mestrado, DEE – FCTUC, Coimbra 1995.

Livro (Editor)

Carlos Henggeler Antunes, Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Gomes, Feature Cluster on "Operational Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector”. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 197, Issue 3, 997-1105, 2009.

Carlos Henggeler Antunes, Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Gomes, Special issue on "Operational Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector", International Journal of Energy Sector Management, vol 2, issue 3, 314-468, 2008.

Carlos Henggeler Antunes, Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Gomes, Special Section “Operational Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector", Energy Policy. vol. 36, issue 7, 2293-2459, July, 2008.

C. H. Antunes, A. Gomes, (Editors), "Operational Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector", Proceedings of the 19h Mini-EURO Conference, Coimbra, September 2006. In CD-ROM (ISBN 989-95055-0-1), 2006.

Livro (Capítulo)

Almeida, A. T., A. Gomes, C. Patrão, F. Ferreira, L. Marques, P. Fonseca; “Auditorias Energéticas” em “Manual Técnico de Gestão de Energia”, 2007.

Revista Internacional

E. Rodrigues, A. Gaspar, A. Gomes. Evolutionary strategy enhanced with a local search technique form the space allocation problem in architecture. Part II: validation and performance tests, JCAD_1934, 2013.

E. Rodrigues, A. Gaspar, A. Gomes. Evolutionary strategy enhanced with a local search technique form the space allocation problem in architecture. Part I: methodology, JCAD_1933, 2013.

A. Gomes, J. Martinho, C. Henggeler Antunes. “A physically-based model for simulating inverter type air conditioners/heat pumps”, Energy 2012.

E. Oliveira, C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes. A comparative study of different approaches using an outranking relation in a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm”, Computers and Operations Research, 2011.

E. Oliveira, C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes. Incorporation of preferences in an evolutionary algorithm using an outranking relation: the EvaBOR approach”, International Journal of Natural Computing Research, vol. 2, issue 1, 63-85, 2011.

A. Gomes, C. Henggeler Antunes, E. Oliveira. Direct load control in the perspective of an electricity retailer – a multi-objective evolutionary approach”. In: A. Gaspar Cunha, R. Takahashi, G. Schaefer, L. Costa (Eds.), “Soft Computing in Industrial Application”, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 96, 13-26, Springer, 2011.

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes Martins, "Improving the responsiveness of NSGA-II using an adaptive mutation operator – a case study", International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, vol. 2, no. 1, 4-18, 2010.

Henggeler Antunes, C., C. Barrico, A. Gomes, D. Pires, A. Gomes Martins, "An evolutionary algorithm for reactive power compensation in radial distribution networks", Applied Energy, vol. 86, Issues 7-8, 977-984, 2009 (Impact Factor 1,371).

Henggeler Antunes, C., A. Gomes, "Introduction to the Feature Issue on Operational Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector", European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 197, Issue 3, 997-998, 2009 (Impact Factor 1,627 ).

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes Martins, "Design of an Adaptive Mutation Operator in an Electrical Load Management Case Study", Computers and Operations Research, vol. 35, 2925-2936, 2008 (Impact Factor 1,366).

Henggeler Antunes, C., A. Gomes, "Guest editorial", special issue on Operational Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 314-317, vol. 2, no. 3, 2008

Henggeler Antunes, C., A. Gomes, "Operational research models and methods in the energy sector—Introduction to the special issue", Energy Policy, vol. 36, issue 7, 2293-2295, July, 2008 (Impact Factor 1,755).

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes Martins, "A multiple objective approach to electric load management using an interactive evolutionary algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 22, no. 3, 1004-1011, 2007 (Impact Factor 1,875).

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes Martins, "A multiple objective evolutionary approach for the design and selection of load control strategies", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 19, nº. 2, 1173-1180, 2004 (Impact Factor 1,875).

Gomes, A., C. Antunes, A. Martins (2004), “Dealing with solution diversity in an EA for multiple objective decision support – a case study”, In Gottlieb e Raidl (Eds) Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference, EVOCOP 2004, Springer, 100-113, Coimbra 2004. (resumo)

Gomes, A., A. Martins, R. Figueiredo (1999), “Simulation-Based Assessment of Electric Load Management Programs”, International Journal of Energy Research, 23, 169-181, 1999. (resumo)

Jorge, H., A. Martins, A. Gomes, "Maximum Demand Control: A Survey and Comparative Evaluation of Different Methods", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 8, 3, 1013-1020, August 1993. (resumo)

A. Martins, H. Jorge, J. Mota, R. Parracho, A. Gomes, “A PC-Based Simulation Package for Supporting End-Use Demand Side Management Strategies”, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, PWRS-6, 3, 897-903, 1991. (resumo)

Conferência Internacional

A. Gomes, C. Henggeler Antunes, J. Martinho, E. Oliveira. “Otimização multiobjetivo com algoritmos evolutivos – uma aplicação no setor elétrico”. Actas Congresso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación Operativa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 2012.

C. R. Vergara, A. Soares, A. Gomes, C. Henggeler Antunes, J. P. Lopes. “In-House Energy Consumption and Storage Optimization”. Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Energy Efficiency for a More Sustainable World, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, September 2012

A. Soares, M. Lopes, C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes, N. Martins, “Smart(er) Energy Management Systems in Smart(er) Grids”, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Energy Efficiency for a More Sustainable World, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, September 2012.

A. Soares, A. Gomes, C. Henggeler Antunes. Domestic load characterization for demand-responsive energy management systems”, 2012 IEEE ISSST – Int. Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Boston, USA, May 2012.

A. Soares, A. Gomes, C. Henggeler Antunes. “Integrated management of residential energy resources”, EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 33, 05005, 2012.

A. R. Soares, C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes,Assessing energy efficiency issues using Data Envelopment Analysis”, Proceedings of the 11th IAEE European Conference: Energy Economy, Policies and Supply Security: Surviving the Global Economic Crisis, Vilnius, Lithuania. August 2010.

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes Martins, "Physically-Based Load Demand Models for Assessing Electric Load Control Actions", 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech Conference, 2009

Paulo, F., A. Gomes, "Energy Services as a tool to promote energy efficiency in the Health Sector", 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech Conference, 2009

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, António Manuel de Oliveira Gomes Martins, João Melo, "Using Attainment Surface for Comparing NSGA-II and SPEA-II – A Case Study", 2009 International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence), Madeira, Portugal, 2009

Correia, P., A. Gomes, “The costs and benefits of replacing older household’s appliances”, XI Spanish-Portuguese Congress on Electrical Engineering, Zaragoza, 2009.

Henggeler Antunes, C., A. Gomes, A. Gomes Martins, "A two-phase decision support approach for the selection of load control actions", Proceedings of the IEEE Europe 2008 - International Engineering Management Conference, 41-45, Estoril, Portugal, 2008

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes Martins, "Improving the responsiveness of NSGA-II in dynamic environments using an adaptive mutation operator – a case study", ”. In I. Lovrek, R.J. Howlett, and L.C. Jain (Eds.), “Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5177, 90–97, Springer-Verlag, 2008

Gomes, J., A. Gomes, 2008. “Implementação de um dispositivo sombreador fotovoltaico”; 1ª Conferência sobre Edifícios Eficientes, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e Ambiente da Universidade do Algarve, 25 Janeiro 2008.

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes Martins, "An Evolutionary Algorithm for Tackling Dynamic Environments in Power Systems Problems", MIC 2007 - The 7th Metaheuristics International Conference, Montreal, Canada, June, 2007

Sousa, C., R. Carvalho, A. Gomes, H. Jorge, "Hp/Gshp Comparative Analysis – A Simulation Based Case Study", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering - CEE’07, Coimbra, Portugal, 2007

Francisco, V.; P. Ramos; A. Gomes; C. Henggeler Antunes; “ Improving the responsiveness of NSGA II by using an adaptive mutation operator – a case study”; CEE'07 - 2nd International Conference On Electrical Engineering; 26-28 November, Coimbra, Portugal, 2007.

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes Martins, "Design and selection of load control strategies using a multiple objective model and evolutionary algorithms", Proceedings of the 7th IAEE European Energy Conference, Bergen, Noruega, Agosto, 2005

Gomes, A., C. Henggeler Antunes, A. Gomes Martins, "Design of an adaptive mutation operator in an electric load management case study", Late-Breaking Papers, GECCO 2005 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Washington, USA, June, 2005

Henggeler Antunes, C., C. Barrico, A. Gomes, D. Pires, A. Gomes Martins, "On the Use of Evolutionary Algorithms for Reactive Power Compensation in Electrical Distribution Networks – Experiments on a Case Study", Proceedings of the 6th Metaheuristics International Conference MIC 2005, Viena, Áustria, Agosto, 2005

Gomes, A., C. Antunes, A. Martins (2003), “Implementation of Guiding Mechanisms for Incorporation of Preferences in an EA for Electric Load Management”, Proccedings of the 3rd IASTED International Conference Power and Energy Systems, September 3-5, 2003. (resumo)

Gomes, A., C. Antunes, A. Martins (2003), “Incorporating Elitism in NSGA for Decision Support in Load Management”, Proceedings of the IMACS-IEEE/SMC Multiconference Computational Engineering in Systems Applications CESA'2003, Lille, France, P. Borne, E. Craye, N. Dangoumau (Eds.) (in CD-ROM ISBN 2-9512309-5-8), July 2003. (resumo)

Coelho, D., A. Gomes, H. Jorge (2000), “Electricity Efficiency Improvement. A case-study in the residential sector”, Proceedings of the International Conference UIE 2000, 107-112, Lisboa, Portugal. (resumo)

Gomes, A., H. Jorge, D. Coelho (2000), “Electricity competitiveness improvement through energy storage. A simulation based case-study”, Proceedings of the International Conference UIE 2000, 167-173, Lisboa, Portugal. (resumo)

Martins, A., A. Gomes, F. Carvalho, P. Julião, J. Gonçalves (2000), “Strategic Conservation in lighting and water heating – a case-study”, Proceedings of the International Conference UIE 2000, 967-976, Lisboa, Portugal. (resumo)

Martins, A., A. Gomes, Coelho, D., F. Carvalho, J. Sousa, M. Baptista, V. Jorge (1999), “Load Research for Assessing the Energy Market and Demand-Side Management Potential”, Proc. of the 4th International Congress on Energy, Environment and Technological Innovation, Roma, September 1999, 363-368. (resumo)

Martins, A., H. Jorge, H., A. Gomes (1999), “The Double Rate Tariff of Electricity in the Residential Sector - the Portuguese Case”, Proc. of the 4th International Congress on Energy, Environment and Technological Innovation, Roma, September 1999, 357-362. (resumo)

Gomes, A., A. Martins, D. Coelho, J. Sousa, "A Transformação do Mercado e o Potencial de Utilização Racional de Energia", Actas das 6ª Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, 4, 79-86, Lisboa, Julho 1999. (resumo)

Martins, A., A. Gomes, F. Carvalho, D. Coelho, P. Julião, J. Sousa, “The role of electricity distribution utilities in urban sustainable development”, Proceedings of European Meeting City of Tomorrow, Strasbourg, 9-10 December, 1999. (resumo)

Gomes, A., H. Jorge, A. Martins, "Uso de Modelos Fisicamente Baseados na Simulação de Acções de Telecontrolo em cargas de Aquecimento de Água", Actas das 5as Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, 2, 935-941, Julho 1997, Salamanca (Espanha). (resumo)

Gomes, A., A. Martins (1995), “Electric Load Modelling and Simulation for Assessing DSM Actions”, Proc. III International Congress Energy, Environment and Technological Innovations, 449-454, 5-11 November, 1995, Caracas, Venezuela. (resumo)

Gomes, A., H. Jorge, L. Neves, A. Martins, "Auditorias de Energia Eléctrica - Uma Solução Integrada", Actas das 3ª Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Electrica, 3, 1245-1254, Julho 1993, Barcelona. (resumo)

Gomes, A., H. Jorge, A. Martins, L. Tavares, “Auditorias Energéticas - Simulação e Análise de Impacto das Acções de Racionalização de Consumos na Compra de Electricidade”, Actas das 2as Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Engenharia Eléctrica, 3.143-3.149, 3-5 Julho 1991, Coimbra, Portugal. (resumo)

Jorge, H., A. Gomes, A. Martins, “Controlo de Ponta: Simulação, Análise de Desempenho e Melhoramento Funcional de Algoritmos”, Actas das 2as Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Engenharia Eléctrica, 3.135-3.142, 3-5 Julho 1991, Coimbra, Portugal.

A. Martins, H. Jorge, J. Mota, R. Parracho, A. Gomes, “Gestão de Energia Eléctrica - Simulação e Análise de Impacto de Acções de Racionalização de Consumos de Energia”, Actas das Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, 1365-1370, Julho 1990.

Outras comunicações

Gomes, A., A. Martins, C. Antunes (2002), “Utilização de algoritmos genéticos para a identificação e escolha de acções de condicionamento da procura de energia”, comunicação apresentada ao 10º Congresso da APDIO, IO2002, Gimarães. (pps 2MB)

Gomes, A., C. H. Antunes, A. G. Martins, " Parameter selection in a GA for multiobjective problems: a case study ", Poster apresentado em: MOMH - Workshop on Multiple-Objective Metaheuristics, Paris, Novembro, 2002. (pps)

Gomes, A., Palestra na sede da Ordem dos Engenheiros – Região Centro: "Controlo de Ponta: métodos e análise comparada", Junho 1994. (doc 1,5MB zip 163kB)

Gomes, A., A. Martins, H. Jorge e F. Paulo “ADCE - Apoio à Decisão na Compra de Electricidade”, Actas do Iº Encontro Nacional do Colégio de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Ordem dos Engenheiros, 279-284, Maio 1994, Lisboa. (resumo)

Gomes, A., “Modelos de Cargas em Simulação de Acções de Gestão de Energia Eléctrica”, Actas do Congresso da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Junho 1994, Lisboa. (resumo)

Martins, A., A. Gomes, H. Jorge e A. Almeida. "Uma Perspectiva Integrada da Formação de Recursos Humanos em Utilização Racional de Energia", Actas do ELAB'93, comunicação nº13, Março 93, Porto. (resumo)

Tavares, L., H. Jorge, A. Gomes, A. Martins, L. Neves, “Sistema de Análise de Alternativas Contratuais para a Compra de Electricidade”, Actas do ENDIEL 91, ST4, 341-350. (resumo)

Gomes, A., H. Jorge, A. Martins, “Melhoria do Desempenho de um Controlador de Ponta - Um caso de estudo”, Actas do ENDIEL 91, ST4, 91-100. (resumo)

Relatórios Científicos

“An Evolutionary Algorithm for Reactive Power Compensation in Radial Distribution Networks”, em co-autoria com C. Henggeler Antunes, C. Barrico, D. Pires e A. Martins, Research Report INESC Coimbra 5/ 2004.

“A multiple objective evolutionary approach for the design and selection of load control strategies”, em co-autoria com C. Henggeler Antunes e A. Martins, Research Report INESC Coimbra 5/ 2003.

“Adaptive mutation probability as a tool to incorporate knowledge in an EA for multiobjective electricity planning”, em co-autoria com C. Henggeler Antunes e A. Martins, Research Report INESC Coimbra 7/ 2002.

RUESC - Rational Use of Energy Sources in Cities through Demand-Side Management, Final Report, Prepared by: InescPólo de Coimbra, CenelElectricidade do Centro, Universidade Politécnica de Valência, Dep. of Electrical Engineering – Universitá di Roma “La Sapienza”, Fraunhofer-Institute of Information and Data Processing - Dresden, Universidad de Murcia, for the European Commission, Directorate General XVII, The SAVE II Program – SAVE contract 4.1031/Z/97-112), February 2000.

"Avaliação simulada de alternativas de organização da opção bi-horária do tarifário de Baixa Tensão", em co-autoria com A. Martins e H. Jorge, relatório final do projecto com a mesma designação, INESC-C RTC-2/98, financiado pela Entidade Reguladora do Sector Eléctrico, Julho 1998.

"Caracterização de consumos de electricidade em BT para a promoção da eficiência energética no centro histórico de Coimbra", em co-autoria com A. Martins, D. Coelho e J. Sousa, relatório final do projecto com a mesma designação, INESC-C RTC-1/98, financiado pela Electricidade de Portugal, SA (EDP), Abril 1998.

"Caracterização de consumos de Electricidade em BT na Cidade de Coimbra", em co-autoria com A. Martins, D. Coelho e J. Sousa, relatório final do projecto com a mesma designação, INESC-C RTC-2/97 financiado pela Electricidade do Centro, SA (CENEL), Dezembro 1997.

“Computer-aided Energy Management and Process Control Functions for the Stabilization of the Interconnected Power System of the Baltic States (DSM component)”, em co-autoria com A. Martins, H. Jorge, L. Neves e D. Coelho, relatório final do projecto INCO-COPERNICUS, financiado pela União Europeia, INESC - Pólo de Coimbra, February 1996.

"Desenvolvimento de algoritmos de controlo de ponta e análise de desempenho e melhoramento funcional do controlador PICOPOT", em co-autoria com A. Martins, H. Jorge, J. Sousa e P. Soares, Projecto AGACE² (PITIE), Área de Controlo de Ponta , Fevereiro 1992, ISBN 972-95730-7-7.

  Outras palestras, conferências e aulas

A. Gomes; “Energy Efficiency of End Use Equipment in Buildings”; International Summer Course - Let's Build Our Dream: Future Houses New Challenges, New Solutions!; Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) 2008.

A. Gomes, “Eficiência Energética”; Workshop sobre Eficiência Energética – Ansião, 2008.

A. Gomes, “Energy Efficiency in Power Systems”, duas aulas leccionadas no curso Energia para a Sustentabilidade no âmbito do Programa MIT-Portugal na FEUP. 2008

A. Gomes, A. Traça de Almeida; “Demand-Side Management and Culture”; The 15th Annual Conference of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Council / EEAC; Workshop E – Demand–Side Management and Culture - Energy for Europe: Increasing Efficiency, Changing Consuming Patterns; 10th-13th October, Évora, Portugal, 2007.

A. Gomes; “Hydroelectricity”; International Summer Course - Renewables: New Energies, Old Elements, New World; Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) 2007.


A. Gomes; “A Evolução da Procura e os seus Modelos de Previsão em Portugal”; I Fórum Ibérico sobre Previsão da Procura Energética; Lisboa, 2005 (IIR) – Presidente da Jornada.

"Relatório de Actividades (Maio 97 - Julho 98)", Grupo de Trabalho para a Gestão Técnica e a Manutenção do edifício do DEE, em co-autoria com A. Cardoso, A. Martins, A. Ferreira e H. Jorge, DEE-FCTUC, Outubro 1998 .